Integrating and using bathymetric data
Depth measurements to map the seafloor result in bathymetric data. Bathymetric data is of great importance for many marine information products such as navigation charts, environmental research and location optimization for wind turbines, cables and pipelines. At sea multi- and single beam sonar equipment is used to acquire bathymetric data. From air LIDAR mounted on aircrafts is used while satellite systems acquire bathymetric data from space. In the end all acquisition methods result in point cloud and raster datasets. Every data acquisition method has its pro’s and con’s so in many cases more methods are used to collect data. This results in multiple, overlapping datasets of a measured area. For most information products it is needed to use multiple datasets combining the best available data for a usage from that measured area.
Acquiring bathymetric data
GeolinQ offers functionality to configure datasources were survey measurements and metadata of surveys is stored. Survey data in ASCII, LAS and GeoTIFF format can be imported. During import the data can be validated to the data model configured in GeolinQ. As the solution offers full EPSG support, data is transformed to the coordinate system of the datasource. During the import process also the metadata of the survey can be stored. As a metadata schema ISO19115 or other schema’s can be used. All imported data can be visualized using configurable color scales and drawing depth profiles. All survey datasets can be retrieved easily using geographic and metadata queries.
Solutions to acquire bathymetric data are evolving fast offering options like collecting multiple attributes per measurement. As GeolinQ data models can be configured by end-users modifications and extensions to use latest developments, can be implemented easily.
Combining bathymetric datasets
For most information products it is needed to combine multiple datasets to a single dataset holding the best available measured data in a specific area. The Seamless Point Surface concept in GeolinQ offers functionality for automatic and flexible compilation of seamless data models based on multiple point cloud and raster datasets. Based on the metadata attributes of the datasets users can configure priority rules. Based on these rules the overlap between the datasets are removed and the hull of the datasets in the SPS determined resulting to the best available data on any location. New imported surveys are automatically integrated by SPS based on the configured selection and priority rules guaranteeing an always up-to-date seamless model.
More information concerning bathymetry datasource including the Seamless Point Surface concept can be found via the Bathymetric tutorial on GeolinQ support.
Discover the strengh of GeolinQ in managing and combining bathymetric datasets to information products.